With throughputs at our general cargo terminals in Foynes and Limerick up by over 70% in the seven years from the launch of our masterplan, Vision 2041, to the turn of the decade, consistent with our mid to high-end growth projections, the need to create additional quayside infrastructure as identified in Vision 2041 is clearly evident.
A particularly initial requirement was additional quayside set-down space and in 2016 we completed the first phase of the ongoing programme with the 14,000m2 infill of ‘berth 6’, at a cost of €12m.
A €26m follow up phase is now underway and involves modifications to the existing jetties and quays to include connection of the West Jetty to the East Jetty to facilitate mooring of vessels in increased numbers and size and port related operations.
This project increases port quay length capacity by 21% or 120m going from a total quay wall length of 560m to 680m.
It will, in keeping with our growth trajectory, provide incremental capacity allowing Foynes Port to accommodate the projected increases in annual tonnage throughput. In addition, it will enable the docking of larger vessels (up to Panamax size) in response to the increasing international trend toward larger vessel sizes or alternatively, the docking of increased number of smaller vessels at the same time.
Planning & Project Website can be accessed by clicking here.