Shannon Foynes Port Company provides a variety of services, from controlling navigation and marine safety to warehousing, logistics, cargo handling, stevedoring and longshoreman. We handle the largest vessels entering Irish waters, up to 200,000 dwt and have a track record of continuous growth and innovation.
Consistent with its Masterplan, Vision 2041, the Port has embarked on a substantial investment programme that will see significant enhancement of hinterland connectivity and expansion of Port infrastructure. Ongoing projects include the construction of a new 120m jetty, 12,000m2 of quay set down, 38-hectare port storage and logistics park and preliminary planning for a new 800m jetty with 18m draught alongside. In order to facilitate the medium to long term Port investment identified in Vision 2041, up to 1200 hectares of land is zoned for Port development over a number of deep-water sites formally designated as Strategic Development Locations on the Shannon Estuary.
Vision 2041 sets ambitious long-term expansion and redevelopment plans for our Port that will help transform the Shannon Estuary into one of the world’s fastest growing maritime hubs.
All our operations are assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of internationally recognised standards ISO9001:2015 (Quality), OHSAS 45001:2018 (Health and Safety) and PERS (Ecoports environmental standard) systems.