Shannon Foynes Port Company is determined to fully support and encourage the development of this sector, through its own resources and in conjunction with other agencies and stakeholders as appropriate as outlined in our Port Master Plan (Vision 2041).
A key recommendation on Port Infrastructure from the Carbon Trust, Harnessing our Potential March 2020 report is that ‘The Irish Government or the investment community should consider a strategic investment at a port(s) on the west coast to take advantage of the commercial opportunity of delivering floating offshore wind where the majority is likely to be on the west, north/south west coast.’
The same report also states that offshore wind could create 2,500 jobs over the next 10 years and attract €42 billion in lifetime investment, but that this may be lost because no Irish port currently meets all of the requirements to serve the project construction.
Shannon Foynes Port Company is committed to ensuring that its ports are ready to facilitate the construction phase and subsequent operational requirements for the offshore energy sector. Over €250 million of associated port development infrastructure has been identified in our capital program and we have already commence the relevant pre-planning process. Shannon Foynes Port Company is exceptionally well placed to establish an offshore renewable hub due to its ;
- Naturally Occurring Sheltered Deep Water with Channel depths of up to 32m;
- Huge Landbank for Future Manufacturing Potential;
- Close Proximity to West Coast Wind Resources;
- Large River Area Available for Wet Storage of Floating Units;
- Many Development Site to Support Staging, Assembly and Manufacturing for components and devices;
- Existing Grid Connectivity;
- Good Transport Connectivity;
The case for investing in port infrastructure to support the growth in offshore wind and create local supply chain cannot be underestimated. Ports act as focal points during the manufacturing, installation and operation of offshore wind farms.
As the floating wind sector is currently in its infancy here, the underlying supply chain has to be enhanced. Therefore, this represents an opportunity for Ireland to be first-movers in the floating wind sector. Shannon Foynes Port Company is strategically well placed to establish and expand Ireland’s floating wind supply chain and is actively pursuing this opportunity.
Download the PDF to read more the Shannon Estuary - Offshore Wind Potential Study
Offshore Wind Potential Study
Shannon Estuary – Offshore Wind Potential Study
Uploaded 07/12/2020
Download the PDF to read more about Europe's Ocean Energy Hub
Europe's Ocean Energy Hub
Europe’s Ocean Energy Hub
Uploaded 16/06/2020